Terms and Conditions of allotment

Terms and conditions of allotment of all Phases.



Terms of Offer of Sale:

The house on hire purchase is offered for sale on Cash/Cash-cum Loan basis. The allottees by virtue of the sale and lease to be executed in his favour, shall own the building structure of his unit.

Criteria for Selection:

In case the number of applications for a particular category of house under the scheme exceeds the number of houses available in that category, the order of seniority inter se of the applicants shall be determined as follows;

1st Priority

Those who do not own a house either in their name or in the name of any member of their family in any major city of Pakistan.

2nd Priority

Those who do not own a house Islamabad either in their name or in the name of any member of their family.


The seniority inter se of the applicants accorded any of the above mentioned priorities will be determined in the reverse order of their age i.e. the person older in age shall rank senior to the rest 5% of the plots shall be left to the discretion of the Chairman of Board of Governors and the Executive Committee each for allotment to the most deserving cases which some-how cannot fulfill the aforementioned conditions. The selection made by the Chairman, Board of Governors and the Executive Committee shall be final and not challenge-able.

Enlistment Fee:

The applicants are required to pay Rs. 250/- (non-refundable) as enlistment fee with the designated branches of National Bank of Pakistan against Bank’s receipt, particulars of which should be incorporated in the application form.

Submission of Applications:

Applications on the prescribed form attached with the brochure, along with a bank draft or payment order for the amount prescribed in the brochure for the category of house applied for and drawn in favor of ‘HOUSING SCHEME FOR FEDERAL EMPLOYEES ON OWNERSHIP BASIS IN ISLAMABAD’ shall be deposited by the Federal Government employees stationed at:

  1. Karachi …………. with Main Branch of National Bank of Pakistan, Karachi.
  2. Lahore ………….. with Main Branch of National Bank of Pakistan, Lahore.
  3. Peshawar …… with Main Branch of National Bank of Pakistan, Peshawar.
  4. Quetta ……….….. with Main Branch of National Bank of Pakistan, Quetta.
  5. Rawalpindi …. with Main Branch of National Bank of Pakistan, Rawalpindi.
  6. Islamabad …… with Main Branch of National Bank of Pakistan, Islamabad.

a)   Model Branch of National Bank of Pakistan; Super Market, Islamabad.

b)   National Bank of Pakistan, Main Branch, Civic Centre, Islamabad.

c)   National Bank of Pakistan, Secretariat Branch, Block ‘B’ Pak: Secretariat, Islamabad.

Incomplete or photo-stat copies of the applications will not be entertained.

Agreement with the Allottee:

The successful applicants will sign the terms and conditions, specifications, schedule of payment and application form etc; which will form the contract agreement with the selected ‘Builders’.

Confirmation of the Allotment:

The allotment and the terms and conditions of the allotment shall be subject to the confirmation by the Executive Committee. The provisional allotment letter shall be issued after three months of such confirmation.

Price of House:

It may be noted that the cost of land is provisional as intimated by the CDA while the construction cost has been worked out on the basis of prevailing rates without any provision of contingent amount or escalation in prices of labour and material during the execution of the scheme and, therefore, a variation in the cost is possible which will be known only on receipt of tenders from the ‘Builders’ and when the final cost of land is fixed by the CDA. Any escalation will be dealt with under the instructions on the subject of the Finance Division and subsequent rules framed by the Pak. PWD. It will be applicable after proper approval of the Executive Committee. The charges on account of external water, electric and gas connections shall be paid by the allottees directly to the agencies concerned. The allottees will also be required to pay any unforeseen expenses, taxes, overheads etc. incurred in connection with the execution of the scheme.

Variations of the Size of Plots, Covered Area, Design and. Specification:

The cost in respect of houses built on various sizes of the plot shall be based on the tentative – designs, specifications and plans shown in this brochure or plans submitted by the selected ‘Builders’ duly approved by the Executive Committee. However, in case the plot size, covered area, architectural plan and specifications differ/vary to meet technical requirements, the buyer shall pay extra cost or vice versa which shall be done with mutual consent.

Cost of Lease and Loan:

The cost of lease and loan expenses are not included in the cost of house. The exact cost of construction will be the price that would be approved by the Executive Committee on the basis of tendered cost from the approved ‘Builders’.

  1. Availability of Loan from the H.B.F.C.

The grant of loan shall be subject to availability of funds with the HBFC and compliance of their requirements by the allottee. If loan is not granted by the HBFC for any reason, the allottee shall make arrangements for payment of that much amount from his own resources. The repayment of the installments of the loan shall be made by the allottee/borrower to the HBFC when it falls due as per rules of the HBFC.



Terms of Offer:

Houses are offered on payment of the cost in installments. The allottee by virtue of the sale and lease to be executed in his/her favour shall become owner of his/her house.

Criteria for Eligibility:

2. Federal Government employees fulfilling the following conditions shall be eligible to participate in this Scheme:-

  • who are employees of Federal Ministries, Divisions, Attach Department (declared as such and included in the Rules of Business, as amended from time to time) and their subordinate offices;
  • who are members of the regularly constituted Federal Services /Occupational Groups;
  • who have rendered a minimum of 10 years service on 1-12-1991 in the offices/Services/Groups mentioned at (i) and (ii) above;
  • ex-Armed Forces personnel, former provincial government employees and employees of autonomous/semi-autonomous bodies and public corporations under the control of Federal Government who have been absorbed on regular basis in Ministries, Divisions and Attach Departments and their subordinate offices or regularly constituted Federal Services/Groups provided they have on 1-12-1991 rendered minimum of 10 years service including 5 years after absorption;
  • Federal Government employees re-employed from the date of their retirement after the age of superannuation on the same terms and conditions as the regular employees in service on 1-12-1991;
  • Federal Government employees having a share not constituting an independent unit in a house;

3. The following categories of employees are not eligible to participate in Phase-II of the Scheme:-

(i)         Defence Forces personnel including civilian employees paid from the Defence estimates but excluding those belonging to Departments which have been declared as attached departments.

(ii)        The employees of Pakistan Railways.

(iii)       Employees of the autonomous/semi-autonomous organizations and public corporations.

(iv)       Federal Government employees including those who have retired and who own houses / flats / residential plots either in their names or in the name of dependent member of their family in Islamabad / Rawalpindi.

(v)        Federal Government employees including those who have retired and who were ever allotted a residential pIot / flat in Islamabad / Rawalpindi either in their names or in the name of their spouse by the Capital Development Authority, Federal Government Employees Housing Authority , Defence Housing Authorities or any other Government controlled agency.

(vi)       Five percent of the houses in each category shall be earmarked for the retired Federal Government employees fulfilling the relevant conditions laid down under paragraphs 2 & 3.

Criteria for Selection:

4. The following criteria shall be adopted for selection:-

  • The seniority shall be determined in the descending order of age from the date of superannuation.
  • First priority shall be given to those applicants who or any dependent member of their families do not own a house in any of the following cities of Pakistan:-






Hyderabad, and


  • Unsuccessful eligible applicants under priority-I of Phase-I of the Scheme who have not withdrawn their partial cost of land deposited with their application forms shall be given preference over the new applicants.
  • The seniority of unsuccessful eligible applicants under Priority-II of Phase-I of the Scheme who have not withdrawn their partial cost of land deposited with their application form will be maintained separately and 15% of the houses under Phase-II of the Scheme shall be allotted to them.
  • Five percent of the houses shall be left to the discretion of the Chairman, Board of Governors and the Executive Committee each for allotment to the most deserving persons who for some reason do not fulfill the aforementioned conditions provided they belong to the eligible categories of the Federal Government employees. The selection made by the Chairman, Board of Governors and the Executive Committee, shall be final and not challenge-able.

Enlistment Fee:

5. The applicants are required to pay Rs. 500.00 (non-refundable) as enlistment fee for the Scheme with the specified branches of National Bank of Pakistan against Bank’s receipt, particulars of which should be incorporated in the application form.

Submission of Applications:

6. The applicants on the prescribed form given in the brochure alongwith a bank draft or payment order for the amount prescribed in the brochure for the category of house applied for and drawn in favour of “FEDERAL GOTWERNMENT EMPLOYEES HOUSING Authority , ISLAMABAD” shall be deposited by the applicants stationed at:-

(i)         Karachi          with Main Branch of National Bank of Pakistan, Karachi.

(ii)        Lahore           with Main Branch of National Bank of Pakistan, Lahore.

(iii)       Peshawar      with National Bank of Pakistan, Peshawar Cantt.

(iv)       Quetta            with National Bank of Pakistan, Quetta City.

(v)        Rawalpindi    with National Bank of Pakistan, Rawalpindi Cantt.

  • Multan            with National Bank of Pakistan, District Court Branch,                                                Multan.

(vii)      Faisalabad    with National Bank of Pakistan, Civil Line Branch,                                          Faisalabad.

  • Hyderabad    with National Bank of Pakistan, Civil Line Branch,                                          Hyderabad.

(ix)       Islamabad      with the;

  • Model Branch of National Bank of Pakistan, Super Market, Islamabad.
  • National Bank of Pakistan, Main Branch, Civic Center, Islamabad.
  • National Bank of Pakistan, Secretariat Branch, Block-B, Pakistan Secretariat, Islamabad.

7. Applications can be submitted for allotment of category of house lower than the entitlement of the Federal Government Servants, as indicated in Table in Para 11. Preference in allotment will however be given to the applicant(s) entitled to the particular category of the house.

8. Incomplete or photo-stat copies of the applicants will not be entertained.

9. Cheques will not be accepted.


Criteria for Eligibility:

Persons fulfilling the following conditions shall be eligible to participate in this Scheme:-

(i)         a. The Federal Government employees including civilian employees paid from Defense Estimates and employees of autonomous/semi-autonomous organizations and public sector corporations under the administrative control of the Federal Government who were in service on 1.12.1994.

b.         Federal Government employees including employees of autonomous / semi-autonomous organizations and public sector corporations re-employed after retirement and who were in service on 1.12.1994.

(ii)        Armed Forces personnel are not eligible to participate in the Scheme.

(iii)       Five percent of the plots in each category shall be earmarked for the retired Federal Government employees including retired employees of the autonomous / semi-autonomous organizations and public sector corporations under the control of the Federal Government.

(iv)       Two percent of the plots in each category shall be earmarked for the widows of the eligible Federal Government employees including employees of the autonomous / semi-autonomous organizations and public sector corporations who died during service or those Federal Government employees and for the employees of autonomous / semi-autonomous organizations and public sector corporations who became disabled during service.

Criteria for Allotment:

2.         The following criteria shall be adopted for selection:

  • The seniority for the purpose of allotment shall be determined in the descending order of age from the date of superannuation.
  • First priority shall be given to those applicants who or whose spouses and any other member of their families do not own a plot / house in Peshawar. Each applicant shall have to submit an affidavit to this effect. In case the contents of the affidavit on verification from record or otherwise are found to be incorrect, the allotment, if made in his favour, shall stand cancelled and the amount deposited by him forfeited by the Authority besides disqualifying / blacklisting him for participation in any other housing scheme of the Housing Authority . This would be without prejudice to any other legal action that the Housing Authority may like to take.

(iii)       Second priority shall be given to those applicants who or whose spouses and any other member of their families already own a plot or a house in Peshawar.



5.         The available residential plots shall be distributed among the various categories of applicants who fulfill the criteria for eligibility as given below:-

a) Judges of the Supreme Court. High Courts and Federal Shariat Court            and Federal Government employees who have been declared as civil servants as defined under Civil Servants Act. 1973, (including civilian employees paid from defence estimates) and were in service on 1-4-1996.   77%
b) Employees of autonomous/semi-autonomous organizations and public sector corporations under the administrative control of the Federal Government (including employees serving in the Federal Government Employees Housing Authority ), who were in service on 1-4-1996.   10%
c) Journalists.   3%
d) Retired Federal Government employees governed under Civil Servants Act, 1973.   5%
e) Widows of those eligible Federal Government employees who died during service or those Federal Government employees who became disabled during service or extremely hardship cases. 5%

Note: Armed forces personnel are not eligible to participate in the scheme.


  1. The applications received from the judges shall be forwarded to the Law & Justice Division for their scrutiny and their recommendations for allotment in the light of the laid down criteria for eligibility and allotment of plots as in the case of other Civil Servants as defined under Civil Servants Act, 1973.
  • Allotment to the journalists shall he made on the recommendations of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting who will draw up criteria to the purpose.
  • The applications received from the Federal Government employees and employees of the autonomous/semi-autonomous organizations and public sector corporations under the administrative control of the Federal Government including those of the retired employees shall be scrutinized by the Housing Authority .


  1. Mode of scrutiny of applications and the seniority for the purpose of allotment shall be determined in the order of the date of birth of the applicant. In case of widows of the Federal Government Employees and those who became disabled during service, the seniority shall he determined on the basis of length of Federal Government service of the deceased/disabled employee.
  • First Priority shall he given to those applicants who or whose spouse(s) or any other member of their families neither own plot/house in Islamabad on 1-4-996, nor any plot/house was ever allotted to them by the CDA, Federal Government Employees Housing Authority , Defence Housing Authorities. Each applicant shall have to submit an affidavit to this effect duly countersigned by a First Class Magistrate. If at any stage, contents of the Affidavit are found to be fictitious or false or any material facts found to have been concealed/mis-stated or suppressed deliberately and knowingly, the allotment will be cancelled. In addition, the amount deposited will be forfeited and such legal action as deemed appropriate will also be taken.
  • Second priority shall be given to those applicants who or whose spouse(s) and any other member of their families own plot/house in Islamabad on 1.4.1996 but were never allotted a plot in Islamabad by the CDA. Federal Government Employees Housing Authority / Defence Housing Authorities or any other authority.


6.         The applicants are required to deposit Rs 500.00 (non-refundable) as enlistment fee or the Scheme with the specified branches of National Bank of Pakistan against Bank’s receipt, particulars of which should be incorporated in the application form given in the brochure.




            The available residential plots shall be allotted amongst various categories of applicants who fulfill the criteria of eligibility as below:-

a) Employees of Federal Ministries / Divisions / Attach Departments & their subordinate offices (declared as such and included in the Rules of Business), Members of Regularly constituted groups/services of the Federal Government, and Members of Superior Judiciary i.e. Judges of Supreme Court, High Courts and Federal Shariat Court who were in service on 15.11.2003.   75%
b) Employees of Autonomous / Semi Autonomous Government Organization and Public Sector Corporations under the Administrative Control of Federal Government who were in the service on 15.11.2003.   8%
c) Employees of Constitutional Bodies/Professionals.   5%
d) Retired Federal Government Employees Ministries / Divisions / Attach Departments and Subordinate Offices.   5%
e) Widows of those eligible Federal Government Employees (of Ministries / Divisions / Attach Departments & their subordinate offices) who died during service.   2%
f) Journalists   3%
g) Federal Government Employees with major disability.   1%
h) Extremely hardship cases who fulfill the laid down criteria of hardship. 1%


2.1       Allotment of plots in 1.1. a, b, and d shall made according to the age wise seniority. On receipt of applications age-wise seniority list under each category shall be prepared and allotment made accordingly subject to fulfillment of conditions in Para 2.2. In 1.1. (e), the length of service of the deceased employee shall be the criteria.

2.2       Priority shall be given to those applicants who or their spouse or family:

i)          Were not allotted a house/flat or plot in Islamabad by the Housing Authority , CDA or any Government Agency at any time and whether it was retained or disposed off.

ii)         Each applicant shall have to submit an affidavit to the effect duly countersigned by a First Class Magistrate. If at any stage, contents of the Affidavit arc found to be fictitious or false or any material facts found to have been concealed / misstated or suppressed deliberately and knowingly, the allotment shall be cancelled and the seed money deposit shall be forfeited and such legal action as deemed appropriate will also be taken.

2.3       Applicants who or their spouse/family own a house / plot / flat purchased from the open market, gifted or inherited shall also be eligible subject to a limit of 10% of plots in each Category.


3.1       The entitlement of applicants with respect to their Basic Pay-Scales (or their equivalent in the case of employees of Autonomous/Semi Autonomous organizations and Public Sector Corporations) is as under:

Category BPS or Equivalent Tentative Size of Plot
I                      20-22 50×90′
II 18-19 40’x80′
III 16-17 35’x70′
IV 11-15 30’x60′
V  1-10  25’x40′

3.2       Applications can be submitted for allotment of a category of plot lower than the entitlement of the applicant, if so desired. Option once exercised shall not be changed.

3.3       For the purpose of entitlement to a particular category the regular posting in BPS shall be considered.

3.4       The BPS of the applicant on the cut off date would be considered for allotment. If an applicant is promoted to higher position subsequent to the cut off date, it would not entitle him to higher category of plot.



  1. Allocation / Distribution of Apartments:

1.1          The available residential apartments shall be allotted amongst various categories of applicants who fulfill the following criteria of eligibility:-

a)         Employees of the Federal Government in BPS-16 and below who 90% are posted in Ministries / Divisions, Attached Departments (declared as such and included in the Rules of     Business) and Sub-ordinate offices duly notified by the respective Ministry/Division who were in service on 11-04-2005.

b)         Employees of Autonomous Bodies / Corporations and other Federal Government Organizations in BPS-16 and below or equivalent who were in service on 11-4-2005.        

  • Criteria for Allotment:
    • The applicant has to be in service on the cut off date 11-04-2005.
    • He should have a minimum of 10 years of Federal Government Service with maximum age of 45 years on the cut off date.
    • The allotment under 1.1 shall be made through balloting subject to fulfillment of other conditions laid down.
    • For the purpose of entitlement to a particular category, regular appointment in BPS shall be considered as on 11.4.2005. The pay scale of Selection Grade / Move-over, Acting charge, Adhoc, shall not be considered.
    • The BPS of the applicant on the cut off date shall be considered for allotment. If an applicant is promoted to a higher position subsequent to the cut off date, it would not entitle him to higher category of apartment.
  • Eligibility:
    • The scheme shall be extended to the regular Civilian Employees of Ministries / Divisions / Attached Departments and Subordinate Offices and those civilian employees paid from Defence Estimates and employees of Autonomous Bodies / Corporations and other Federal Government Organizations.
    • Those employees who own a plot, house or flat in their name or in the name of their spouse/dependent children allotted by Housing Authority , or any other Government agency at any time in Karachi, Lahore, Quetta, Peshawar and Islamabad / Rawalpindi whether retained or disposed off, shall not be eligible. Each applicant shall have to submit an affidavit to this effect duly allotted legally. If at any stage, the contents of the affidavit are found to be fictitious or false or any material facts found to have been concealed/misstated or suppressed deliberately and knowingly, the allotment shall be cancelled and the seed money deposited, shall be forfeited and such legal action as deemed appropriate will also be taken.
    • Contract employees, adhoc employees, work charge employees shall not be eligible.
  • Entitlement of Apartments:
    • The entitlement of applicants with respect to their Basic Pay Scale of the post is as under;
C 14-16 1100 SFT
D 7-13 900 SFT
E 1-6 700 SFT
  • The successful applicants after taking over possession of the flat/apartment shall not be eligible for allotment of official residential accommodation from the Estate Office.
  • Submission of Applications:

Applications along with a Bank Draft or Payment Order for the amount prescribed in the brochure on account of seed money and enlistment fee(Rs. 2000/- non-refundable) for the category of apartment applied for, and drawn in favour of “FEDERAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES HOUSING Authority , ISLAMABAD” shall be deposited by the applicants at the designated branches at following stations;

  Islamabad a) Main Branch National Bank of Pakistan-Civic Centre.
    b) National Bank of Pakistan, Secretariat Branch, B-Block, Pakistan Secretariat.
  Rawalpindi National Bank of Pakistan, Cantt Branch, Saddar
  Peshawar National Bank of Pakistan, Cantt Branch.
  Lahore National Bank of Pakistan, Shahrah Quaid-e-Azam Branch.
  Quetta National Bank of Pakistan, City Branch.
  Karachi a) National Bank of Pakistan, Main Branch, 11 Chundrigarh Road.
    b) National Bank of Pakistan, Shaheed-e-Millat Road, Branch




Members registered under Membership Drive are eligible for allotment of plot with respect to their Seniority number on the basis of First Come First Serve” and according to fulfillment of following conditions:

  1. Confirmation of service particulars from the concerned/parent department.
  2. Applicant or their spouse or family should not have been allotted a house/flat/plot in Islamabad by the FGE Housing Authority /CDA/any Government Agency at any time irrespective of whether it was retained or disposed off.
  3. In case both husband & wife are Government Servants then both are eligible for the allotment of plot as individual service benefit and right, if they were not earlier allotted plot by FGEHA/CDA/any Government Agency.
  4. Contractual / daily wages/work charge/contingent employees are not eligible.

Entitlement of Plot

  1. Applicants are entitled with respect to their grades (or equivalent in case of employees of autonomous / semi-autonomous / public sector organizations / corporations) but according to the category applied/registered in Membership Drive by submitting the membership fee.
GRADE 20-22 18-19 16-17 10-15 1-9
SIZE OF PLOT 50 x 90 40 x 80 35 x 70 30 x 60 25 x 50
MEMBERSHIP FEE (already paid) Rs.100,000 Rs.50,000 Rs.25,000 Rs.15,000 Rs.5,000
  1. Regular grade shall be considered for the category in which the applicant got registration in Membership Drive.
  2. The category of the applicant would be considered as registered in Membership Drive but not according to the present grade that may entitle him to higher category.

Other Terms & Conditions

  1. The allottee shall comply with and abide by the rules, regulations, by laws, orders and/or directions that may be issued by the CDA and Housing Authority from time to time.
  2. Plot allotted to an applicant should not be used for any purpose other than residential. In case of violation, appropriate penalty may be imposed.
  3. Excess charges, if any, will be levied under extremely unavoidable circumstances for which the allottee shall be taken into confidence prior to the levy.
  4. The allottee shall pay all taxes pay all taxes, charges etc., if any, to the government agencies/authorities under the laws/rules/orders in force or that may come into force at a later stage.
  5. The Housing Authority retains and reserves the right at all times to make any changes in designs and specification of the project.
  6. Every applicant will abide by these Terms & Conditions in addition to the bye-laws, rules and regulations governing allotment, possession, ownership, and transfer of Authority/Department competent to do so. NOC, Mortgage, enforced from time to time by Housing Authority and any other.
  7. Allottee in possession will bear the expenses of all civic facilities availed in the future with the condition of change of rates as and when required imposed by the Housing Authority
  8. Allottee is bound to submit the original receipts whenever required and particularly at the time of transfer / handing over the possession to allottee by the Housing Authority .
  9. All common passages, services/amenities and the landscaped areas shall neither be constructed upon nor inappropriately utilized or rented out but will be exclusively used for purposes they are meant for.
  10. All orders and instructions issued by the Executive Committee from time to time and decisions taken by it in regard to the scheme shall be binding on all concerned.


F14/15,Thallian,ParkRoad Scheme


Members registered under Membership Drive are eligible for allotment of plot with respect to their age wise Seniority and according to fulfillment of following conditions:

  1. Confirmation of service particulars from the concerned/parent department.
  2. Applicant or their spouse or family should not have been allotted a house/flat/plot in Islamabad by the FGE Housing Authority /CDA/any Government Agency at any time irrespective of whether it was retained or disposed off.
  3. In case both husband & wife are Government Servants then both are eligible for the allotment of plot as individual service benefit and right, if they were not earlier allotted plot by FGEHA/CDA/any Government Agency.
  4. Contractual / daily wages/work charge/contingent employees are not eligible.

Entitlement of Plot

  1. Applicants are entitled with respect to their grades (or equivalent in case of employees of autonomous / semi-autonomous / public sector organizations / corporations) but according to the category applied/registered in Membership Drive by submitting the membership fee.
GRADE 20-22 18-19 16-17 10-15 1-9
SIZE OF PLOT 50 x 90 40 x 80 35 x 70 30 x 60 25 x 50
MEMBERSHIP FEE (already paid) Rs.100,000 Rs.50,000 Rs.25,000 Rs.15,000 Rs.5,000
  1. Regular grade shall be considered for the category in which the applicant got registration in Membership Drive.
  2. The category of the applicant would be considered as registered in Membership Drive but not according to the present grade that may entitle him to higher category.

Other Terms & Conditions

  1. The allottee shall comply with and abide by the rules, regulations, by laws, orders and/or directions that may be issued by the CDA and Housing Authority from time to time.
  2. Plot allotted to an applicant should not be used for any purpose other than residential. In case of violation, appropriate penalty may be imposed.
  3. Excess charges, if any, will be levied under extremely unavoidable circumstances for which the allottee shall be taken into confidence prior to the levy.
  4. The allottee shall pay all taxes pay all taxes, charges etc., if any, to the government agencies/authorities under the laws/rules/orders in force or that may come into force at a later stage.
  5. The Housing Authority retains and reserves the right at all times to make any changes in designs and specification of the project.
  6. Every applicant will abide by these Terms & Conditions in addition to the bye-laws, rules and regulations governing allotment, possession, ownership, and transfer of Authority/Department competent to do so. NOC, Mortgage, enforced from time to time by Housing Authority and any other.
  7. Allottee in possession will bear the expenses of all civic facilities availed in the future with the condition of change of rates as and when required imposed by the Housing Authority
  8. Allottee is bound to submit the original receipts whenever required and particularly at the time of transfer / handing over the possession to allottee by the Housing Authority .
  9. All common passages, services/amenities and the landscaped areas shall neither be constructed upon nor inappropriately utilized or rented out but will be exclusively used for purposes they are meant for.
  10. All orders and instructions issued by the Executive Committee from time to time and decisions taken by it in regard to the scheme shall be binding on all concerned.