1. Complaint or Email us at:
info.coord@fgeha.gov.pk OR complaint@fgeha.gov.pk OR dg@fgeha.gov.pk
Please dial the numbers for public queries:- 051-9106041,9106046
2. FGEHA Resident(G13/G14) Complaint Application
FGEHA- RCP is available on Google Playstore it can be easily searched & download by the keyword FGEHA. The Resident of G13 & G14 can complaint regarding water tanker, sewerage, maintenance etc by installing the APP.
3. Wafaqi Mohtasib CMIS
Online Complaint Management Information System (CMIS) is the centerpiece of IT enabled operations in the Wafaqi Mohtasib Secretariat. This serves as the hub for streamlined and integrated complaint management process. CMIS is multi-Language software. Here anyone can input the complaint details as per his own choice of language. A complainant can lodge a complaint and know the latest status through CMIS from all over the world-using internet.
Wafaqi Mohtasib Online Complaint Registration
4. Pakistan Citizen Portal